Normal - 99.5 to 101.4 degrees Farenheit
Young horses can have normal temperatures up to 102 degrees Normal temperatures may run slightly higher in hot, humid weather, if horse is in direct sunlight or with exercise.
Heart Rate Normal adult - 26 to 40 beats per minute
Young horses have a faster heart rate Foals 2-4 weeks old = 70 to 90 beats per minute Weanlings 6 to 12 months old = 45 to 60 beats per minute 2 to 3 years old = 40 to 50 beats per minute Feel for a pulse inside the curve of the jaw or on the chest wall behind the left elbow.
Normal - 8 to 16 breaths per minute
Often faster in foals Increases with work, hot weather, overfilling of the stomach, and pregnancy
Gut Sounds
Normal sounds are tinklings and bubblings in the flank area No sounds or rapid churning can be signs of colic
Mucus Membranes
Usually light pink with capillary refill time of 1 to 2 seconds Dark red or purplish color indicates lack of oxygen in the blood Yellow color indicates jaundice Blotchy or very pale color are also signs of illness